5 Things That Every Patient Should Know About a Dental Implant

dental implant Milwaukee, WI

A dental implant is one of the many options available to you today for replacing missing teeth. These implants look like natural teeth and provide the same experience while eating. This highly successful option can also benefit your mouth in other ways. If you do not know much about implants, here are five things to consider.

1. Implants look just like natural teeth

When a patient with a dental implant smiles, only the patient will know that there is a dental implant. A dental implant functions and feels like a natural tooth. The reason why the tooth looks and feels so natural is that its root – a titanium screw – fuses to the bone. The crown that is attached to the implant is also designed to match other teeth in color and style.

2. Dental implants have one of the highest success rates

The success of a dental implant can vary depending on where the implant is located. However, the success rate is generally about 95%. Factors such as the patient’s individual health and the condition of the bone will determine how successful the implants are. By caring for implants properly, a patient can make them last a lifetime. Brushing, flossing, using an antibacterial mouthwash and visiting the dentist on a regular basis will all help implants last as long as possible.

3. A dental implant does not affect eating

With other tooth-replacement options, such as bridges and dentures, the patient must take care while eating and avoid some hard or sticky foods. However, dental implants allow the patient to enjoy all types of foods. Implants also allow an individual to bite down just as hard as with natural teeth without causing any pain or sensitivity.

4. Dental implants can prevent bone density loss

After a patient has lost a tooth, that tooth’s root is also lost. Many tooth-replacement options only replace the tooth itself. However, a dental implant is placed in the patient’s jaw, so it contacts the bone. This stimulates the bone into growing more tissue around the implant. This prevents the bone from losing density over time.

5. Implants can protect other teeth

Some options to replace missing teeth, such as dental bridges, require cutting down nearby teeth so the bridge will fit properly. Even if this is not the case, a dental bridge can still cause wear on nearby teeth over time. However, an implant will not affect other teeth. In fact, a dental implant can help prevent other teeth from shifting toward the gap left by the missing tooth.

Visit a dentist today

If you are missing one or more teeth, dental implants can be a good way to replace them. Implants can help ensure that other teeth stay healthy while preventing bone loss in the jawbone. Implants are also usually easier to eat with than other tooth-replacement options. If you are considering a dental implant, visit a dentist today.

Request an appointment here: https://www.esdmke.com or call Eastside Dental at (414) 888-4000 for an appointment in our Milwaukee office.

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